
BWC 2020 Seminar Schedule Cancellation

As the COVID Pandemic is making profound changes in everyone’s life I am letting you know that I will not be teaching any of my Being Well Communications manual therapy seminars for the rest of 2020. This includes the one in September and the one in November. I will be letting you know in early 2021 what seminars will be available next year. Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns about Being Well Communications.

I trust you are all finding your way in clinical practice as we stumble along creating our new reality day by day. Remember that you are not alone during this ‘unprecedented’ time. If I can be of any help to any of you, please contact me.

Be well.

Dr. Verna Hunt, BSc DC ND

By |July 30th, 2020|Education, Update|Comments Off on BWC 2020 Seminar Schedule Cancellation

Human Body Operating Instructions

Story #1 – Water

In health care, storytelling promotes learning not only mentally but also through our senses and emotions as we can use our imagination to understand what is happening and what we can do about it. When the learning goes through our creative imagination it is easier to remember. When I teach my clients through the use of a story about their health status and what they can do to optimize it, it is much easier for them to understand the context of their symptoms, how the modalities being used in their care promotes homeostasis, and remember to do what I am recommending. One example is drinking adequate water. A current recommendation is to drink half the ounces of your weight in pounds, so if you weigh 180 lbs. you would drink 90 ounces of room temperature, clean, naturally mineralized water, sipped not forced down quickly. Putting the water in a see-through container so that you can see the water helps to remind you to sip the water, whether it be by your bed, on your desk, in your car or carry bag. It also helps us to envision that our body is approximately 70% water. The blood is largely water and carries our nutrients to and debris away from our trillions of cells. Storytelling is a way to ’embed’ generational health knowledge and wisdom—teachings passed on by the elders to the younger generation, from grandparents to parents, and from parents to grandchildren.

By |January 31st, 2020|Education|Comments Off on Human Body Operating Instructions